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Welcome to my blog, Eat Healthy, Stay Fit, Die Anyway!

Hi! I'm Laceye and this blog is my way of putting in my two sense on all things "health and fitness".

Just in case you didn't catch the meaning behind the name of my blog on my main page, let me start by explaining it...

It's something my husband likes to say that really rings true with me. I have many times complained to him about the unfair standards put on women compared to men. (Don't worry I won't be using this as a forum to vent.) One of those standards being that if we women want to "look good" we basically can't eat anything, much less anything decadent and delicious! He would respond with, "Well, you can eat healthy, stay fit, and die anyway". The meaning being you can live a healthy lifestyle, or not, and in the end we will all end up in the same place, dead! BUT, we can choose how we get there. I want to enjoy my life and my food! (I LOVE food!) So I have taken it upon myself to find ways to eat healthy AND deliciously, to kick my own butt into shape, but not have to live in a gym. I want to share what I learn with you!

Like me, so many people have no clue how we should really be eating or working out our bodies. There is so much they leave out when teaching "health" in schools. I am not a trainer or nutritionist. I am simply a research geek. I can spend all day reading other blogs, fitness magazines, books, etc. I have tried many different diets and workout regimens and have come to one conclusion, not everything works for everyone. In order to live a semi-normal life in today's society we have to be pragmatic. We need to find the best balance of healthy and realistic; eating what we like without gorging ourselves and staying fit without living in the gym.

I have had failures and I have had successes, and when I find something that works I can't wait to share it. I can't promise I have all the answers or expertise, but I promise to share the tips and tricks that have worked for me, to keep researching, and to try to find the answer to any questions that you throw my way!

Happy reading!

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