Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"God's Prescription For Your Health"

Here's the scoop; a group of like minded friends and I have decided to start a new program. It's called The Daniel Plan. It is a weight loss/get healthy plan through Saddleback church. They call it "God's Prescription For Your Health", and it sounds intriguing. The general idea behind the plan is 1 Corinthians 10:31; "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God". It's not just supposed to be about dieting or exercise, it's "a lifestyle based on the biblical story of Daniel, who forsook the king's rich food in order to honor God's best for him and his friends."

We are about to start a weekly study on the Daniel Plan and try to each become healthier. If you would like to join PLEASE do! If you're local (Southern CA), feel free to contact me and I'll let you know where and when we meet. If not, I will be posting each weeks agenda, videos, scripture, etc. Everything we discuss will be posted here!

So please feel free to take a look at the website and get more information. Also be sure to fill out your "Health Profile" so you know where you're starting out. After all, "You can't really know where you're going, until you know where you're coming from". That's from the movie Hitch, but it's still true here.

Check it out