Hey guys and gals,
I want to talk about getting your butt off the couch and running!
Actually, first I have to tell you a short story...
Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was convinced she couldn't run. In high school, she hated gym classes because of it. She wouldn't try out for sports because of it. "I'm just not built for it", she would say. "and I'll never be able to do it". The End.
WRONG! That is not the end! Until very recently, that was me. I was convinced that there was just something about me that meant I would never be able to run. Not even one mile. I could do anything else in the gym but that. A lot of that negativity came from the images around me and how they made me feel. I was too worried about people judging me and I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin that I let it control my life. Some of the problem even came from my own family (unintentionally of course). My dad and brother are great runners. It's easy for them. Me=Jealous! My mom on the other hand, whom I take after in many ways, including physique, cannot run, or is convinced she cannot. She and I had that in common.
But that girl is gone! I was determine to run. So a few months ago I started researching how, and I began training. My first goal, was to be able to run a mile without stopping. Guess what? I can now run two miles without stopping! It's a work in progress of course, and I'm working my way up to a 5k, but I finally know that I can do it. I'm beyond ecstatic about it and I want to share what I learned with everyone. I was that kid, that carried it into adulthood, and wouldn't join in activities. I wanted to hide myself from the world. Not anymore! I want to give hope to anyone out there who feels like I did. (Mom) YOU CAN DO IT! It just takes some time, some practice, a few tips and some gumption.
So here's what I leaned...Follow the links for the info that has really been helping me.
Also check out the videos on my video page.
So who wants to join me? I need me some team mates, and I WANT YOU!
I want check in's and updates on how you're doing, and I'll give you mine. I want to ultimately meet for a 5k!
Who's in?!

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